As sign makers we know that we’re all attracted to bright, shiny things. There’s something about light which resonates with our psyche from a very early age which never leaves us. It’s why illuminated signs work so well at attracting potential customers to businesses. If you don’t have one, leading Leicester sign makers, Sign Here, can help.
At Sign Here we can manufacture bespoke illuminated signs, all of which can be custom made to fit any size or shape. We’re sign makers with over twenty years experiences, so illuminated signs can be created easily, either utilising a standard light box frame or a design to suit a specific requirement. We offer LED & florescent tube light boxes, and can provide flex face or edge lit. Our extensive experience of creating illuminated signs means we’ve either previously made what your looking for, or can create something from scratch to meet your exacting needs. Illuminated signs can be installed internally or externally to meet your requirements.
As sign makers we know there are many great benefits to illuminated signs: they can be seen from long distances, particularly at night time; they catch the eye more than non-illuminated signage, especially in built up town and city centres; illuminated signs can attract drivers and motor vehicle passengers even while they are on the move; they project a feeling of sophistication, often very important when potential customers are making their purchasing decisions. These qualities are particularly useful for businesses in highly competitive market sectors, such as shops and fast food establishments.
Illuminated signs can take many forms; the most simple is the lightbox with semi-opaque cover which shines light through your branding, particularly at night time. Something more sophisticated is back-lit lettering. This can typically see built up lettering on top of a lightbox which has a hole cut to the same lettering shape, only larger. The result of this is a ‘halo’ style effect which gives the lettering a ‘glow’. We could go on and on, the variety of illuminated signs that this Leicester sign maker can offer is wide and varied.
Sign makers for illuminated signs
At Sign Here we provide signs for individuals, organisations (private and public) and the trade (including designers and construction). For more information on illuminated signs contact Ken Wildsmith at Sign Here. Either call us on Freephone 08085 428021, or email us at sales@sign-here.co.uk. Alternatively you can complete our contact form.